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Enjoy your practice. enjoy your career. enjoy your life.

Dental design video course by dentists, for dentists.

Your dream dental office shouldn’t just be a dream

You can afford this

We’ll show you how our students land lenders and save $300k on building costs so that you have complete confidence that you’re getting the most value out of every dollar.

modern luxury dental office design by Dr. Mark Tholen
modern luxury dental office design by Dr. Mark Tholen

You can afford this

We’ll show you how our students land lenders and save $300k on building costs so that you have complete confidence that you’re getting the most value out of every dollar.

gorgeous modern sleek interior dental office waiting room

You can Build this

You’ll master the terms and the tools needed to guide a dental construction project, capably coaching your expert team of architects, contractors, and vendors to recognize your vision.

You can HAVE this

You and your team don’t just go to work at your practice — you live your lives there. In this course, you’ll find design tips that result in a beautiful, comfortable, functional space that you’ll enjoy for years!

Four dental office chairs lined up in a row
Four dental office chairs lined up in a row

You can HAVE this

You and your team don’t just go to work at your practice — you live your lives there. In this course, you’ll find design tips that result in a beautiful, comfortable, functional space that you’ll enjoy for years!

Take your first step

Your practice is your ultimate investment, your number one sales tool, and your home away from home. 3,000 dentists have already begun a new chapter in their career in a practice they truly love.

You’re invited to join them.

Get your first Dental Design University module nearly 50% off!

$75 TODAY just $39